Echo Barriers are implemented across a range of worksites, events, and other loud commercial environments in places all around the world, mitigating the impact of noise. These portable noise barriers are unique in their ability to both significantly reduce noise and its subsequent harmful effects and be highly manageable in mounting, rearranging, and uninstalling. They are also uniquely durable, withstanding exposure to weather, the outdoors, and tough work environments. Correct storage of Echo Barriers not only facilitates their re-deployment but also ensures their longevity, extending their effective usability well beyond the point of profitability and cost-effectiveness.
Echo Barriers are built lightweight, providing functional temporary noise reduction in situations where typical solutions wouldn’t be viable. As a feature of their exceptional portability, Echo Barriers are able to be rolled and clasped shut, much like a yoga mat. This allows the user to easily carry two barriers a time; one rolled up under each arm. Where inventory space allows, it is convenient to leave them rolled up like this, speeding up the deployment and return of Echo Barrier stock.
How to Roll and Store Echo Barriers
After use – and following cleaning and drying – lay Echo Barriers face up on a clean floor. One by one, roll the barriers from the bottom edge, like a sleeping bag, all the way to the top edge. Clip the rolled barrier shut and tighten the clasp to secure it. If possible, leave the barriers in their rolled-up state; however, where storage is limited, simply unrolling and stacking the barriers on top of one another is sufficient for economic storage.
Portable noise control
Echo Barrier is an innovative temporary noise control system designed to mitigate noise in dynamic and sensitive work environments. Distribution available worldwide: