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Echo Barrier Blog

Echo Barrier - proud holders of the coveted 'Quiet Mark'

Posted by Magnet on May 24, 2017 10:40:00 AM | Uncategorised

Our designers, engineers and technicians work around the clock to test and trial the latest techniques, the newest materials and the widest range of circumstances to ensure that the Echo Barrier H Series remain the best noise reduction barriers on the market.
When a customer comes to us and tells us that their project is going to result in unwanted and excessive noise for local people, and that they would like to minimise their impact, then we go out of our way to help them do so. We encourage companies to look at their noise impact and to do something about it.

We are thrilled that the ongoing commitment we show in helping our customers reduce their noise has been recognised and that we have been awarded the Quiet Mark. This is no ordinary kite mark – this is given only to organisations and products who can prove that they help reduce noise.
To businesses who can deliver evidence, statistics and figures that meet the high kitemark standards. To teams who deliver noise reduction solutions and products again and again and who keep improving them.
The Quiet Mark is the international stamp of approval from the UK Noise Abatement Society. Set up in January 2012, it came into existence as a response to the increasing number of public complaints received by the Noise Abatement Society’s 24/7 national noise help-line, concerning the volume of excessive noise made by household tools and appliances which invade the fabric of everyday life.

The list of companies who have been given the Quiet Mark is an exclusive one, and Echo Barrier is thrilled to be in some excellent company. We will work hard to keep innovating, testing and improving to make sure we always live up to the standards imposed by the mark, and the standards which our customers have come to expect of our products.
Find out more about the Quiet Mark by visiting

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