Noise reduction in commercial activities like construction, demolition, utilities, road and rail works is no easy feat – the worksites are tough, often exposed to adverse weather conditions, harsh materials, dust, and debris, and optimal noise-absorbent materials like foam don’t take too kindly to rough contact, rain, or heat.
However, the machinery and equipment used in these industries, like diggers, dozers, pile drivers, jackhammers, cranes, saws, blow torches, and generators all create problematic levels of noise that simply need to be addressed.
Fortunately, the range of Echo Barrier acoustic enclosures is designed with industrial-grade durability, fit for these difficult worksite conditions, while also providing up to an incredible 43 dB noise reduction (laboratory-tested).
Here are 3 of the most popular Echo Barrier acoustic enclosures:
1. Echo Barrier CS Cutting Station
This purpose-designed enclosure makes the acoustic attenuation of cutting activities a simple endeavor, blocking noise from all angles. With a transparent doorway, a ventilation chute for removing dust and smoke, and a serving hatch to pass materials in and out of the enclosure, the CS Cutting Station is the ideal worksite noise-fighting companion. It features highly-absorbent acoustic panels installed on a sturdy wheel-mounted steel frame, and can be quickly installed by two workers. The cutting station enclosure is also useful for other smaller
2. H-EX Enclosure Extension
This extension piece is useful for creating an inclined overhang for your acoustic enclosure built from modular Echo Barriers, useful for broadening its acoustic shadow. This helps form a 10x10 foot enclosure that is highly effective at trapping noise while leaving room for ventilation for larger equipment like generators.
3. Echo H9 & H10
Owing to the modularity of Echo Barrier panels, even larger enclosures can be made according to specifications of the worksite or equipment. The acoustic barriers' portability means that the assembly of such acoustic enclosures is relatively quick, simple and not labor intensive.
3. Echo Gen-M1
Need to put a lid on a small generator unit? The Echo Gen-M1 is a mini acoustic enclosure that covers smaller generator models and prevents the noise from becoming bothersome.
Get in touch to find out more about Echo Barrier noise control systems.